Find a movement practice you love.
This Fall at Aikido Multnomah Aikikai we offer several options to “dip your toe in the water” or jump into practice fully.
Sep. 29, Sat., 10am - noon: Aikido Appetizer - Our Fall Open House | Free
Oct. 2, Tue. 6:15pm First Course in Aikido starts (beginners series runs Tuesdays 6:15pm- 7:15pm through October) | $97
Oct. 3, Wed. 12:30-1:30pm: Intro to Low Impact Aikido | $25
Oct. 10 - 31 Wed. 12:30pm: Low Impact Aikido class series | $80
Oct. 30, Tue., 7:30pm, Jo Staff Handling Intro (jo staff provided) | $25
Mon., Oct. 29, 7:30pm: Sword Drawing: Intro to Iaido | $25
Sat. Nov 17, 12:00-1:30pm, Learn How to Fall Safely | $25
Register for one-day events on our Eventbrite page. Register for class series through our website registration page.
Note, All public events listed above are open to Regular Adult dojo members. Become a Regular Adult Member and participate in any or all of these public events for no additional cost. Practice unlimited number of regular aikido classes per month.
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