Resources & Tools for Members
Multnomah Aikikai adheres to the Birankai North America Teachers Statement of Professional Ethics and does not tolerate any form of harassment based on age, ability, sex, gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, and/or sexual orientation.
Chief Instructor Suzane Van Amburgh is certified through the U.S. Center for Safe Sport, an organization committed to building sports communities where participants can work and learn together free of emotional, physical and sexual abuse and misconduct.
member portal
Use our dojo’s Zen Planner Member Portal to reserve your spot in class, update your profile and contact information, pay a bill or add a payment method, view your attendance, shop for supplies in the dojo’s online store, manage your membership and read tips for new members and access the Dojo Online and Discord server.
You can download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play, or bookmark this link:
dojo store
We use our institutional discount and bundle shipping costs to give a better cost than you can usually find online, but if you’d like to shop for your own gear and want guidance on what to look for, please talk to us! Training equipment is generally not very costly and getting the right gear is important.
You’ll need an active member account in order to shop, and the system will prompt you to log into your dojo account in order to complete your order.
Purchase Gi’s, Weapons (wooden jo, bokken, and wakizashi), Aikido belts and Iaido obi, carrying bags, and patches (see drop down menu “Other.”) You may also purchase “Gift Cards.”
Discord and Dojo Online
Discord is the place to check for dojo announcements, schedule updates, and conversations with your fellow dojo mates, all organized along topic channels. After becoming a member, you’ll receive an invitation to join the dojo’s Discord server.
Dojo Online (built on Google Classroom) is where to find learning resources to support your practice. You’ll find video lessons you can access anytime, plus articles, interviews, and a wealth of bonus resources. Open to dojo members.
Health protocols
Multnomah Aikikai follows current state guidelines for COVID safety. Masks are not required at this time but some members wear them.
Because of the close contact and vigorous nature of our practice, the dojo requires:
All members self-monitor for illness. Symptoms of COVID infections can be mild and difficult to identify. If you feel ill or have symptoms such as runny nose, mild cough, headache, sinus congestion, etc., stay home until you feel better.
Members are encouraged to keep up with COVID-19 vaccinations and booster shots.
We use the following protocols in the dojo to reduce infection:
Maximize air flow: we open windows and doors for good cross air flow
Utilize merv-13 filters in the furnace and on the mat in “box fan filters” during class
Students clean hands and feet before stepping onto the mat
All members clean up surfaces in the restroom after every use
After class, all students pitch in with dojo care and cleaning tasks
As always, if you’re feeling ill, please stay at home and take care.
We will continue to monitor public health announcements and update our dojo protocols and policies as appropriate.