“One of the reasons I keep coming back to aikido is because of how centering it is.”
In his professional life, Dennis navigates the typical stresses common for a leader. For example, when one of his team members comes to him with a problem, Dennis is expected to have all the answers. He is highly competent in his job, yet when he comes to the dojo he has the space to make mistakes and learn from others. The dynamic movement of aikido practice allows him to access that elusive experience known as “mushin” - the empty mind, undistracted, and fully present. He finds regular practice to be centering. It keeps him coming back! Dennis has practiced aikido for about 3 and a half years. [link to the video]
Over time, hundreds of students have reported that aikido practice has promoted calm, focus, and centeredness in their everyday life.
Multnomah Aikikai is a dojo (school) for aikido and iaido practice in Portland Oregon. Contact us to schedule a dojo visit.