By Suzane Van Amburgh
1.5 million Ukrainian refugees have fled to Poland (as of March 12). Aikidoka here in the US are helping Polish aikidoka to help the Ukrainian refugees.
Multnomah Aikikai is a member of Birankai North America, which is part of an international Birankai community of aikido practitioners. Birankai Poland has organized fundraising efforts to effectively collect donations and transfer the money to Polish Humanitarian Action (PHA) who can get the right help and supplies efficiently to the Ukrainian refugees pouring into Poland at this time. PHA is a reliable organization that has been helping refugees for many years.
I have donated to the first phase of the fundraiser. They successfully raised 50,000 zl (approximately $11,000 USD) and have transferred that first chunk of money to PHA. Building on this success, the second phase of fundraising is currently underway. Although we are far away, we can help. Consider making your donation through this webpage “Aikidokas for Ukraine”:
[Note that 100 zl converts to roughly $22. There are options to pay via Paypal or credit card. Conversion rates may vary. As you move through the donation process you will see the conversion to USD before finalizing your donation transaction.]
“Our teacher, Chiba sensei, talked about big and small Aikido. The time of Big Aikido has just come. Not only training and techniques, but helping frightened people, people in need: a true test for all of us. Every day, tens of thousands of refugees come to Poland. You are far away, but you can help.”
Distressed flag of Ukraine (blue and yellow), left. Flag of Poland (white and red), right.