Aikido Multnomah Aikikai: Portland OR Martial Arts Practice

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Last week, stepping off a curb, I lost my footing...

The dictionary defines balance as "the ability to move or to remain in a position without losing control or falling.” This is probably the best definition to describe what happened to me.

Shortly after joining the dojo (Aikido Multnomah Aikikai, in Portland Oregon), Suzane Van Amburgh Sensei held several Saturday workshops on ”How to fall”. These sessions included instruction on how to keep your balance and how to fall safely. Well, I attended several of these workshops just to gain knowledge on the subject. They were very informative and you got to practice keeping your balance while learning how to fall safely. Suzane Sensei made it fun and safe under her watch full eye. At the age of 70, like me, one needs to be very careful with falls, which can lead to being immobilized temporary or permanently. Knowing this, I have been practicing keeping my balance and falling safely.

Last week, stepping off a curb, I lost my footing while skidding on a stone, twisted my leg and found myself heading for the concrete pavement. Suddenly, all that practice kicked in! I kept my balance, not just once, but a second time, and never saw the ground. Thank you Suzane Sensei! My only injury was some pulled ligaments. Then I thought, lucky I attended these “How to fall" workshops. The result could not have come out better.

~ Jon, aikido student of 4 months


Learn How to Fall Safely - workshops are held periodically at Aikido Multnomah Aikikai. Check our Eventbrite page for the next session: